Caring for your New Cabinetry

Congrats on your new cabinets! Now let’s learn how to properly retain their beauty.

1) Be sure to only use mild cleaners when cleaning your cabinet surfaces. Always test a tiny spot before cleaning the whole thing.

We suggest using a dish soap (no fragrance or dyes), warm water and a microfiber cloth.

2) If you’re using cleaning products, never spray them directly on the cabinetry. Apply cleaning products on a cleaning cloth instead.

3) Excess water should be dried up immediately to avoid water damage (if on the exterior / face of the cabinets; blot, don’t wipe).

4) Wipe and clean the cabinets on a weekly basis.

We know this sounds like a lot of work, but you’re actually cutting your cleaning time in half because it’s easier to wipe down the cabinets after a weeks worth vs a months worth! You’re also extending the life of the cabinets!

If you have any further questions on how to care for your cabinets, please let us know!